Volker Englich

Book translations

From English into German:

  • Altman, Jack: Travel Guide Berlin. Berlitz, Lausanne
  • Altman, Jack: Travel Guide France (with others). Berlitz, Lausanne
  • Bernstein, Ken: Travel Guide Seville. Berlitz, Lausanne
  • Carter, Steven, and Sokol, Julia: Nah und doch so fern. Beziehungsangst und ihre Folgen (“He’s scared, she’s scared”). Krüger, Frankfurt
  • Diamond, Jared: Arm und Reich. Die Schicksale menschlicher Gesellschaften (“Guns, Germs, and Steel. The Fates of Human Societies”). S. Fischer, Frankfurt
  • Diamond, Jared: Der dritte Schimpanse. Evolution und Zukunft des Menschen (“The Third Chimpanzee; The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal”). S. Fischer, Frankfurt
  • Durrell, Lee: GAIA. Die Zukunft der Arche. Ein Atlas zur Rettung unserer Erde (“State of the Ark”). Fischer TB, Frankfurt
  • Gervasi, Tom: Die Übermacht der Sowjetunion. Eine amerikanische Legende (“The Myth of Soviet Military Supremacy”). SPIEGEL-Buch, Reinbek
  • McLeod, Catherine: Travel Guide Indonesia. Berlitz, Oxford
  • McNamara, Robert: Blindlings ins Verderben (“Blundering into Disaster”). Der Bankrott der Atomstrategie (with Wolfgang Mallmann). Rowohlt, Reinbek
  • Randow, Gero von (Hg.): Mein paranormales Fahrrad (with others) (based on articles from “The Skeptical Inquirer” and other sources). Rowohlt, Reinbek
  • Seager, Joni (Hg.): Der Öko-Atlas (“The State of the Earth”). Dietz, Bonn

From Spanish into German:

  • Club de Gourmets: Restaurants and Hotels in Spain (translator and editor). Kammerer & Unverzagt, Hamburg

Services and specialist areas



Marketing includes every­thing that must “read well” corporate profiles and ...



My focus on aviation de­rives from my personal fascination with …



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  • Regular participation in advanced training courses
  • Member of ADÜ Nord and BDÜ (both are professional translators’ associations)

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Investment company


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